4 research outputs found

    Fish assemblage in a temperate estuary on the uruguayan coast: seasonal variation and environmental influence

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    Foi estudado a dinâmica sazonal da comunidade de peixes em relação as variáveis ambientais do estuário Pando, localizado na costa uruguaia. Os peixes foram amostrados mensalmente entre maio de 2002 e junho de 2003. Os indivíduos coletados foram identificados e classificados em estágios (jovens, adultos) e grupos funcionais. Relações entre a dinâmica da comunidade e as variáveis ambientais foram avaliadas utilizando-se técnicas uni- e multivariada. Vinte e uma espécies foram coletadas, principalmente visitantes de água doce, estuarinas e marinhas migratórias, sendo as mais abundantes e representadas por juvenis: Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil platanus, Paralichthys orbignyanus e Brevoortia aurea. A comunidade variou sazonalmente com rápidas mudanças na primavera e no outono, associadas à variações de temperatura e salinidade. Correlações significativas entre abundância e temperatura parecem estar relacionadas com a sincronizaçao de eventos dos ciclos de vida. Neste estuário a salinidade parece desempenhar um papel-chave na estrutura funcional e uso do habitat por juvenis. Este fato é relevante para a definição dos estuários como áreas de criadouro e pela influencia da salinidade sobre o ciclo da ictiofauna local.The seasonal dynamics of the fish community in the Pando estuary on the Uruguayan coast were studied in relation to environmental sampled monthly between May 2002 and June 2003. Individuals collected were identified, and classified into stages (juveniles, adults) and functional groups. Relationships between community dynamics and environmental variables were evaluated using uni- and multivariate techniques. Twenty-one species, mostly freshwater stragglers, estuarine and marine migrants were collected. The most abundant species were Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil platanus, Paralichthys orbignyanus and Brevoortia aurea and were represented by juveniles. The community varied seasonally with rapid shifts in spring and autumn associated with changes in temperature and salinity. Significant correlations between abundance and temperature may be related to the timing of life cycle events. In this estuary, the salinity appears to play a key role in the functional structure and in the use of the habitat by juveniles. This is relevant for the definition of estuaries as nursery areas: this definition is context-dependent and is determined by the salinity conditions

    Systematic Review of Fish Ecology and Anthropogenic Impacts in South American Estuaries: Setting Priorities for Ecosystem Conservation

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    Research on estuarine ecology in South America (SA) increased quali-quantitatively since the early 1980 in search of consistent recommendations for estuarine conservation. The most important ecological theory achieved is that the seasonal fluctuation of the salinity gradient creates an ecocline influenced by gradual changes between river-dominated to marine-like waters. Estuarine fish fauna adapts to these changeable abiotic characteristics, including the spatial, and seasonal bioavailability of dissolved oxygen and numerous pollutants. However, studies on the influence of the estuarine ecocline are still missing for key estuarine systems. This study provides an overview of fish ecology and anthropogenic impacts within estuarine systems of SA and discusses priorities for environmental conservation. Research on fish reached important conclusions regarding essential habitats and fish interaction with other biological and abiotic compartments over spatio-temporal settings, including conditions of severe anthropogenic impacts. These impacts are related to unplanned urban settlements, industrial estates, ports, damming of major rivers, dredging activities, and deforestation for extensive farming. Changes in estuarine morphology alter natural flows and lead to habitat losses, disrupting the ecocline and impairing fishes from moving among formerly connected habitats, especially earlier ontogenetic phases. In addition, industrial, urban, and farming activities often result in high loads of metals and persistent organic pollutants, organic enrichment and oxygen depletion. Moreover, plastic debris, a ubiquitous contaminant with sources on every human activity, including fishing, when fragmented into microplastics, become preferably concentrated in semi-enclosed environments, as estuaries. Metals, POPs and microplastics are actually asserted to be persistent. When in high concentrations, they become bioavailable to the estuarine trophic web through bioaccumulation, being biomagnified or biotransfered toward higher trophic level organisms, such as top predator fishes. Therefore, research on environmental quality and fish ecology must be based on robust sampling designs along the whole ecocline using long-term approaches. In addition, basic sanitation, co-management, an improved licensing system and scientifically-based risk assessments/monitoring for all sorts of enterprise are also urgent. These conservation priorities need to be in place before human-driven changes surpass the ecosystem's capacity to produce resources and maintain services

    Temporal dynamics of a fish community in the lower portion of a tidal creek, Pando sub-estuarine system, Uruguay

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    ABSTRACT Estuaries are highly dynamic ecosystems subjected to variability of their fish communities over different time scales. The nearshore fish community of the lower Pando estuary, a temperate sub-system of the Río de la Plata estuary, was sampled from May 2002 to June 2003. A total of 2,165 fishes, represented by 16 species were caught by seine netting. Captures were dominated by juveniles (>90%), as well as by the sciaenid Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) (82.8%). The fish community showed high seasonal variability, with the greatest diversity and biomass in summer and spring and the highest species richness during summer. Lowest values of all community parameters occurred in winter and autumn, seasons that presented the highest similarity in fish composition. Number of species was correlated with water temperature and salinity. The ichthyofaunal composition showed significant diel differences in summer and spring. Diel changes were observed in the density of M. furnieri and Odontesthes argentinensis (Valenciennes, 1835), occurring mainly during the day, and of Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836, Parapimelodus valenciennis (Lütken, 1874) and Brevoortia aurea (Spix & Agassiz, 1829), caught mostly during the night. Temporal variability was attributed to environmental fluctuations, life cycle of species as well as to feeding patterns and small-scale displacements. Presented findings in the Pando sub-estuary denote similar juvenile use and seasonal patterns to those found in estuaries. Further studies in the nursery function and juvenile dynamics over the year are recommended in order to better understand the ecological role of sub-estuaries

    Fish assemblage in a temperate estuary on the uruguayan coast: seasonal variation and environmental influence

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    The seasonal dynamics of the fish community in the Pando estuary on the Uruguayan coast were studied in relation to environmental sampled monthly between May 2002 and June 2003. Individuals collected were identified, and classified into stages (juveniles, adults) and functional groups. Relationships between community dynamics and environmental variables were evaluated using uni- and multivariate techniques. Twenty-one species, mostly freshwater stragglers, estuarine and marine migrants were collected. The most abundant species were Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil platanus, Paralichthys orbignyanus and Brevoortia aurea and were represented by juveniles. The community varied seasonally with rapid shifts in spring and autumn associated with changes in temperature and salinity. Significant correlations between abundance and temperature may be related to the timing of life cycle events. In this estuary, the salinity appears to play a key role in the functional structure and in the use of the habitat by juveniles. This is relevant for the definition of estuaries as nursery areas: this definition is context-dependent and is determined by the salinity conditions.<br>Foi estudado a dinâmica sazonal da comunidade de peixes em relação as variáveis ambientais do estuário Pando, localizado na costa uruguaia. Os peixes foram amostrados mensalmente entre maio de 2002 e junho de 2003. Os indivíduos coletados foram identificados e classificados em estágios (jovens, adultos) e grupos funcionais. Relações entre a dinâmica da comunidade e as variáveis ambientais foram avaliadas utilizando-se técnicas uni- e multivariada. Vinte e uma espécies foram coletadas, principalmente visitantes de água doce, estuarinas e marinhas migratórias, sendo as mais abundantes e representadas por juvenis: Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil platanus, Paralichthys orbignyanus e Brevoortia aurea. A comunidade variou sazonalmente com rápidas mudanças na primavera e no outono, associadas à variações de temperatura e salinidade. Correlações significativas entre abundância e temperatura parecem estar relacionadas com a sincronizaçao de eventos dos ciclos de vida. Neste estuário a salinidade parece desempenhar um papel-chave na estrutura funcional e uso do habitat por juvenis. Este fato é relevante para a definição dos estuários como áreas de criadouro e pela influencia da salinidade sobre o ciclo da ictiofauna local